Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of dyscalculia?


Dyscalculia, also known as a specific learning disability in the area of math or a math learning disability, is a condition that affects an individual’s ability to understand and work with numbers. It can make learning math concepts and performing math-related tasks challenging.

Here are some common signs of dyscalculia:

  • Difficulty understanding and remembering math concepts

  • Struggling with basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division

  • Difficulty recognizing and remembering numbers and their relationships

  • Problems with understanding and following sequences and patterns

  • Trouble with math-related vocabulary and symbols

  • Difficulty estimating time, distance, or quantity

  • Struggling to understand and apply mathematical reasoning and logic

  • Frequent mistakes in calculations and copying numbers incorrectly

  • Difficulty with mental math and recalling math facts

  • Avoidance of activities involving numbers or math

  • Problems with spatial awareness and understanding of spatial relationships

  • Difficulty organizing and managing time effectively

  • Struggling to keep track of scores in games and sports

  • Difficulty learning and remembering multiplication tables

  • Frustration and anxiety related to math tasks and tests

If this sounds like you or your child, we can help! Contact us for information about tutoring.

We are not able to provide diagnoses here at Dyscalculia Tutoring, and you don’t need an official diagnosis to work with us. However, we are happy to refer you to a diagnostician who can. Email, call, or text us. Click the “Contact” button below.