Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we choose Dyscalculia Tutoring?


We know you have many choices when selecting a tutor for your child. We recommend considering several different factors when choosing a tutor!

We can tell you how we measure up. If you are interviewing other math tutors, find out how they measure up.

We say here at Dyscalculia Tutoring that only S.O.M.E. tutors are a fit!

  1. Strengths-Based Approach
    Does the tutor utilize strengths-based approach? Are they looking for the GAINS your child has made or only for their GAPS? We do!

  2. Optimal Logistics
    Does the tutor’s availability, cost, and structure work for your family, including the fun activities that keep your struggling kiddo happy? We will work to help you find something that works for your family. If we can’t, then we won’t sign you on as our client. Period.

  3. Mindset
    Does the tutor recognize the role that mindset plays in your child? Do they have concrete strategies they use to address mindset challenges? We do!

  4. Expertise

    Does the tutor have expertise in a wide variety of strategies and approaches to find what works for YOUR child? Ours do!

Strengths-Based, Optimal Logistics, Mindset, Expertise